Tuesday, November 19, 2013

First 6 months of forever

We have been married SIX months today. SIX whole months. I am loving this season in our lives. We've had ups and downs and somehow always come out stronger than before. You always think you know your significant other. Then, you get married. Your spouse is there, all the time. I have learned a lot about A, myself and about marriage as whole.

Here are a few things I have learned about marriage in the last 6 months.

Early riser: --I learned VERY fast that my husband is NOT a morning person. He doesn't like to be awake any time before noon if he had his choice. That being said, I am a total morning person. This makes for interesting weekend morning when he is home from work. I try to let him sleep awhile but sometimes I can't stand it. I have to wake him up, which that doesn't make him happy. but he is a good sport and most of the time will get up.  

Whats for dinner?-- One of the hardest things for me to do is to be motivated to cook dinner. IknowI'materriblewife.Another thing I am adjusting to is if I'm not hungry, my husband still is. I could eat buffalo chicken dip for dinner every night if A. wasn't around.

Guess What? -- This is phrase I learned super quick you can't say without people thinking you're pregnant.  We've been married for like 5 minutes people. Give us time. I can not being feel good and the first question is...ARE YOU PREGNANT? Can't a girl just have a stomach bug?? I can have headache, ARE YOU PREGNANT? I can have a paper cut, ARE YOU PREGNANT?? It's pretty funny but unless the Lord has other plans we are just have some time for us.

Laundry-- Talk about shock, how many clothes can two people have??? And towels...Our laundry is NEVER done. I am trying hard though. When it was just me I liked to one laundry one night during the week and and one day of the weekend. That is not the case now. 

The first six months: AMAZING!!