Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Teacher Talk: Introduction

Hello ladies! I am so excited for this link up. One, because it's my very first one (I hope I do this right!). Two, I am getting connect with other teachers!

My name is Scotti, yes that is my real name. I am 28 and a newlywed. My awesome husband (I love saying that!) is a firefighter/paramedic, who will soon be leaving for the fire academy within the next few months. 

I teach special education at the high school level. My class is self-contained, community based class or CBC for short. All my kiddos are significantly cognitive delayed, which means that their disability effects much of their independent thinking or adaptive skills. I have nine awesome kids with rulings ranging from autism to Down syndrome. 

My school has three CBC classes, which is some what unusual but for the size of our school (almost 1700 students) it evens out. My class is the middle class and we are on a kindergarten to second grade level. Academically, I teach them everything. We go to a general education PE class which is awesome and we go to a regular lunch. 

I could give a long drawn out reason why I chose teaching and why I chose special education. The answer is pretty simple. This is where The Lord called me. Honestly, I didn't pick SPED, it picked me. I believe in my heart I am doing what The Lord put me on this earth to do and some days are much tougher than others. Even through ALL the paper work, meetings, conferences and trainings my heart is always full.

PS--Sorry for the lack of pictures, I promise to do better next time! :)


  1. Exactly why I love special education. I think those that teach it get called into it! I can't wait to hear more about your classroom :)

    1. I am so excited about this link up!! I love my job even on the bad days!

  2. Yay! Just emailed you back! I am so excited to get to know a fellow southern special ed teacher!

  3. Love your heart for SPED. I think they are definitely some of the most special teachers we have! So glad you have you. :)
