Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My little secret..

Two things you should know about me. (If you don't already) I love old, vintage looking things and I love the Goodwill. Whenever I am having a bad day or just when I need a little pick me up, I make myself better with a little retail therapy. Who doesn't love retail therapy? My first stop is almost always Goodwill. I know many people only go to Goodwill when they need to look for a tacky sweater or to drop off donations. (I will admit, I do both.) But most of the time I head for dish section. I am always on the lookout for older brand Tuppeware! Those are my favorite things to find! Most of the time it never cost over 5 bucks! I've scored some pretty great things from Goodwill. Like...many books, my favorite book was "Gump & Company", it is the sequel to the classic, Forrest Gump. I didn't even know there was a book! SCORE! I have found games like Scrabble & In a Pickle. (and all the pieces were there, double score!) But today I found a vintage looking bowl, and I am in LOVE with it! It's old, full of character and looks like it came right out my Grandmommas kitchen! 

You Are A Gift

Growing up I always heard the phrase, "children are a gift from God." I always understood what it mean but as I am growing up and my friends are getting married and having babies, I am beginning to actually FEEL it now. Trust me, I do not have baby fever!  That being said, today one of my students looked at dead in the eye and said, "Miss Scotti Baker, you are a gift!" I was floored. I have to admit, it got me kind of teary eyed..I was gift..to someone, other than my family? No matter how he meant it, it was just another sign I am in the right profession.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ridin in style

Well Saturday was on of the coldest days of 2012 and somehow talked my mom into going car shopping with me. Even though we were "just looking". Soon as we pulled on to the lot, there she was....she was silver beauty and she had my name on it! After a few hours and paper work I had a brand new 2012 Nissan Altima! I said good bye to the 2001 Nissan maxima that had been around the block a few times and it was official. I had my very own car! I feel like I've signed my life away for the next 5 years! But totally worth it!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

If you're happy and you know it

I am happy. Just plain ole' happy.

It never fails, soon as I sit down to write a blog post all these stories just start coming to me. I want to write about this and I want to write about that. It is like my brain is screaming to get all these thoughts out of my head. So I sit here. I sit here and try to compose my rambling words into organized thoughts. Here I go!

Well it's OFFICIAL. I am going back to C-13 next school year. C-13 was the class I was the assistant in before my inclusion gig that start in January. That class made my life complete. You know the old saying, "do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life". I guess I could say that  was pretty true, because everyday was new day in that class. I loved it. Do not get me wrong I am beyond grateful for my opportunity to be an inclusion teacher and work with kids that I do. I look it at as a blessing to work in another area of special education. But knowing in your heart what you are put on this earth to do, well, there is no greater feeling than that.

Friday, February 3, 2012

A little piece of my heart

Well I am heading into my second month as a teacher and all I have to say is, "just keep swimming Scotti!" Some days are good, some days are not so good and some days I think, what am I doing here? But in fact I know why I am here. This is what I am meant to do. I have no doubt, no reservations, no what if's. Special education is what I was meant to do and not to sound conceded, but I think I am pretty good at it. I have worked from both ends of special education spectrum. I can't say I've seen it all but I have seen quite a bit in my short time working in the profession. Here are some things I think you should know...

1. This is my BIGGEST pet peeve. When I tell someone that I am a special education teacher, about 8 out 10 times the response I get is.."oh bless your heart, it takes someone very special to do that." I want to say, NO BLESS YOU HEART!  Bless your heart that you don't get to know and teach these wonderful children! Bless your heart that you think you know what I do everyday.

2. Please don't refer to my students as "those" children. Because honestly I will not understand who you are talking about. Are you referring to "those" children as the ones that can more than likely out bowl you? Or "those" children that can make 5 out of 5 shots from half court line in the gym? Or "those" students who can draw insanely well?

3. Remember, child first! Please don't refer to little Johnny as the autistic boy. The correct way is Johnny is a 16 year old  boy with autism. The ruling (autism in this example) does not define the child. Oh and just because you know one child with autism doesn't mean you know everything about autism.

4. Most of these children love to be in the social setting. They love to be a part of a group. They are just like everyone else. They want to be accepted and want to be loved. Who doesn't want that?

5. Please do not assume when you see me, or any other special education teacher correcting a student that we are being mean to them. Most of my students know right from wrong. And they are to be corrected just as any other student. Now the way they are to be corrected will be different from other students but they will be corrected.

6. Everyday is a new day. They probably won't remember why they made you mad yesterday so you shouldn't either.

These are just a few things I think everyone needs to know about students with disabilities. I love my job and the people and the children I work with. I love the feeling of a full heart and knowing that is coming from work. I love the feeling of learning something new. One of the best feelings is when you see the child truly grasp a concept. Nothing can replace that!