Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: It's the little things!

Hey ya'll! We hit the 100 day mark last week. I immediately got over whelmed and almost had a mini anxiety attack. I still have so much to do and under a 100 days to do it! It’s time to get busy! Speaking of busy, are any  of ya’ll special education teachers? If so, ya’ll can feel my pain. I am smack in the middle of alternate assessment, it’s almost IEP season and just the ins and outs of the classroom. Of course, let’s just throw one of the most important days of someone life right in the mix!

I have never been OCD, over organized, or anything closely related to a type A personally. Thankfully, I have friends and family that are. Even in college I would have two weeks to write a paper and I almost always wrote the darn thing 2 days before it was due. What can I say, I work better under pressure. But I do not want to be that with my wedding. Hitting that 100 mark got a strong grip on my attention.

This weekend my fabulous Aunt Traci and I went on the hunt for bridesmaid jewelry. If anyone can find jewelry, it’s my Aunt Traci. We had the perfect hunting ground, the Helen Brett show. The HB is a fabulous jewelry (and much more) show. We found the perfect stuff. I really really want to  post pictures but I want it to be a surprise for my girls! 

Aside from the jewelry, we have FINALLY finished our registry. We registered at Bed, Bath, & BeyondTarget, and last but not least Dillards. I always said when I registered for my wedding I would do it all at one place. But when that day finally came, I knew that wasn't the smart thing to do. Some people may not have a Target or a BBB so registered at both. I knew I wanted Fiestaware and was pretty disappointed when neither of my stores carried it. Adrian and I both found some plates at Target we liked and went on our merry way. A few months after, I was in Target, roaming the isles, and I noticed our dishes were on clearance! Two things instantly ran through my mind: I LOVE CLEARANCE! And what if it's not available when it's time to buy it? It was January and if you are teacher you know that January is not the month of buying anything extra. I sat on the problem for a few days and decided to take the Target plates off the registry and head to the closest Fiesta dealer in town, Dillard's.

I did some prepping before going to Dillard's becuase I was going on this journey without A. Soon as I walked in there was beautiful fine china everywhere. I came to my senses and got down to business with our dinnerware.
I registered for shamrock & peacock colors. I love green. A loves blue. It's a win-win situation. I registered for other fiestaware dishes in various colors with blue & green as the main colors. I can't wait to have my own kitchen. I am hoping my true Paula Deen-Rachel Ray cooking talents come out. I sure know A is. 

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