Sunday, December 16, 2012

My prayers

I can't put this post off any longer. I've sat down and tried like hell  to wrap my head around what is going on in today's world. Unless you have been living under a rock, then I am sure you know what is going on. I can barely even type it.

*Insert lots of typing, and deleting here because I couldn't get the words to travel from my brain to my fingers. Like I said, still trying to wrap my head around it and it's not working.

On December 14, 2012, there was a school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. A school shooting at an elementary school. Just typing this, words begin fail me and I start to tear up. I refuse to watch the news. Not because I don't care but because this hurts too much. Instead of dwelling on news channels to keep me informed, I pray.

I pray for the families who lost loved ones. I pray for the ones who sat in nearby classrooms hearing the sounds of echoing gunshots. I pray for the law enforcement officers and paramedics who arrived on scene not knowing what they walked into. I pray for the shooter's family. I am praying to the Lord to wrap these people in his arms to comfort them and hold them. I pray for our nation, because we all need it.

I will not go into political issues, gun control debates, or whether not the shooter had a disability. While these are important issues, they are not important right now. What is important is remembering those sweet babies and heroes who put their life in front of danger. And most importantly remembering that God is in control.

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